Paula Stellmach

Przekaż 1% Pauli Stellmach z Częstochowy. Poznaj czym jest dziecięce porażenie mózgowe. Nie jest chorobą postępującą ani zaraźliwą a stanem spowodowanym przez uszkodzenie tych części mózgu, które są odpowiedzialne za właściwą kontrolę mięśni i całego ciała. Paralysis cerebralis infantium. Cerebral Palsy. MPDz.


 Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a mother of a disabled girl. My sixteen years old daughter Paula from birth suffers from childs cerebral palsy. My daughter doesnt sit or walk at all. Intellectually she develops normally, suitable for her age. Furthermore Paula has food allergy. She cant eat any meat and protein, even anything that contains protein. What is more, she cant eat any raw dishes, everything must be cooked.
Additional to this, I and my daughter live off benefits and maintenance. Paula lives in a wheelchair. Therefore I ask you for a help. I need to buy a special platform stairlift because Im not able to carry her upstairs any longer.
If anyone is interested in my request, a collection of money is organised by the foundation where Paula is a charge. We are grateful to everyone even for a small sum of money or any help.

Here is the address and the account of the foundation:
Fundacja Dzieciom Zdążyć z Pomocą
(The Foundation for Children Help on Time)
ul. Łomiańska 5 (5 Łomiańska Street)
01-685 Warszawa (Warsaw)


(donations in American dollars USD)

(donations in Euro)

In the transfer number
2565 with the note Paula Stellmach must be written

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